Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cute Shoe Events

So there I was, at some random shoe store on Friday, contemplating the most adorable pair of peep toe pumps, complete with embossed cherries and snazzy ankle straps. I had tried them on (twice) regaled my husband with the why's and why nots of purchasing such impractical shoes. I mean, on one hand, we all need a little frivolity, but on the other hand, even such adorable footwear would surely only languish in my flip-flop/tennis shoe/ barefoot world.

YOU know.
They were ON SALE.

ON SALE is kryponite to my very shopping soul.

I am generally of the mind that if it is NOT ON SALE, then it will be shortly and I can just wait. Then if it is gone when said item goes on sale, then well, it was not meant to be.
But shoes....shoes are a pump of a different color.

Before M snoozed off, I decided NOT to get them.
I mean, they were truly REALLY cute shoes. They made my ankles look not so baggy and elephant like (see earlier post) and my toes look tiny and feminine, but I honestly don't have that many cute shoe events in my life right now.
We have some friends we meet for dinner (like once every four months) and there are our monthly (ok, more like every other monthly) dates, but even then, you can only justify so many pair of new shoes (and believe me, I've tried) we have a company Christmas Party, (peep toe pumps probably not appropriate esp. with cherries)
And then it hits me,
in the middle of random shoe store,
MY REALLY CUTE SHOE events have mostly all passed me by.
And this makes me so sad.
My prom, graduation, bachelorette party, and actual wedding (THE cute shoe event) have all passed.
Is it possible that I need to inject cute shoe events into more mundane things?
I think it is, even still, as I purused the non-slip ubersneaker collection, I had to wonder, what in the world happened to the girl that had seven hundred pair of underwear and thirty to fifty pair of shoes?
Of course we all know that her feet and butt expanded and she is built more for comfort than speed at this point, but before I say no to all peep toe pumps in the future, I may think about making PTO meetings a CUTE SHOE EVENT after all.
Best. R