Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Watch this Space.

So, I've not exactly been superblogger so far this year(let's be honest, Dr. Phil style, when am I ever?) But, I actually have an excuse, WE ARE...da du da duh (that's a drumroll) MOVING! It's a big change and superdifficult with three kids, a job, a spot on the PTA, a new promotion, a book in progress, three meals a day to get on the table and a partridge in a pear tree, but that's how it goes.
We've had almost five years at this house, so I'm pretty nostalgic, what with bringing two new babies home there and celebrating milestone anniversaries and what-not, but I couldn't see us there for the long term so we needed to look elsewhere.
I'm sure everyone out there is aware of the ridiculously horrifying state of the economy, so we're not alone in our quest for the bigger better deal.
Pray for us, and keep us in your thoughts as we endure one of the suckiest things I can think of, realizing how much crap you actually have.
PS, I'm working on an article for a parenting mag and would love some antidotes about snowflake moments (the moments with your kids that go by too quickly but are so beautiful they hurt almost.) If someone has one to share I'd love to hear it.
Hope we'll be settled soon.